If for any reason you believe your account has been compromised (suspicious behavior, unusual activity, etc.), or you receive a notification that your account has been disabled because it appears to have been compromised, make sure to reach out to our Support team right away.
However, we want to go ahead and get you a head start as to our standard procedures for compromised accounts.
The following steps are essentially just what we'll be asking to help rectify and re-secure your account:
Step 1. Investigate
In the interest of protecting the Mailjet platform and customers such as yourself, we ask you to investigate your applications for any signs of leaked credentials and report any findings to us.
We are especially interested in any instances of vulnerable WordPress sites and/or exposed PHP environment configurations (Apache, Laravel, NodeJS, and similar frameworks) you might be able to find.
We are always looking for ways to improve the security of our platform and proactively fight against abuse, even if the vulnerabilities are completely external to our platform. Your input helps tremendously, and we are grateful for your time and attention in helping our team better protect our customers!
Step 2. Reset your Mailjet secret API keys.
For more information on how to do this, follow our guide.
Step 3. Reset your Maljet account password.
For more information on how to do this, follow our guide.
Step 4. Enable Two-Factor Authentication to access your Mailjet account.
Check out this article for the full set of steps needed to complete this task.
Step 5. Reach out to us and let us know once all the above steps have been completed.
Once we can confirm that the above steps have all been satisfied, we can go ahead and re-enable your account to get you back up and running!
Note: We also strongly recommend reaching out to your hosting service provider, as well as referring to any public repositories that you have, to be sure that this compromise is isolated to just your Mailjet account.
If you're interested in enhancing the security of your account, I recommend checking out the following article for valuable insights and guidance.
Got Questions?
If you have any concerns or questions, please send us a Support ticket. Our Support Team will be happy to assist!