Generally speaking, an unsubscribe rate of less than 1% means you are within industry norm. The only exception is when you send your email to new lists because these tend to generate a higher unsubscribe rate than former emailed lists. However, the industry where you belong also plays a major factor. Overall, a good unsubscribe rate is below 0.5%.
The content of your email plays an important factor to prevent recipients from opting-out. However, do not feel bad when people unsubscribe because it happens to everyone. Consider this scenario an indicator to help you enhance your email content and an auto-cleaning list process!
A good range is between 0% and 0.5% but consider also the factor that this is also dependent on the industry where you belong.
A good range is between 0% and 0.5% but consider also the factor that this is also dependent on the industry where you belong.
- below 0.2% rate means you are within the norm
- above 0.5% rate means you should work on it
There are two possible reasons why someone would unsubscribe from your list:
- recipients could have forgotten about you
- recipients could have gotten tired receiving your messages.
In order to reduce and keep an unsubscribe rate as low as possible, consider the following tips:
- Improve the quality of your contact list. Send your emails only to recipients who have agreed to receive emails from you.
- Optimize the frequency of your emails. Send emails or newsletters at least once per month so your recipients are used to receiving your email and you do not lose touch.
- Review the content of your email. They might be inappropriate, too spammy or simply not relevant to the targets you are aiming to reach! Only send the content or topic your recipients requested.
- Provide value in your messages. Be the trusted authority on a certain subject and continuously announce exciting news and great topics.
- Keep your unsubscribe link visible in order not to frustrate recipients and prevent possible spam complaints. If recipients are no longer interested in your contents or no longer wish to receive emails from you, it is better to let them unsubscribe immediately and easily. This will leave you with a good impression.