If you would like to route your emails through Mailjet using Thunderbird, you will need to add our SMTP relay to the list of outgoing servers:
1. Go to the ‘Tools’ menu then select ‘Accounts…’
2. Select ‘Outgoing Server (SMTP)’ for your email address, then click the ‘Add...’ button to create a new SMTP entry.
3. Please enter the following information:
› Description: Mailjet
› Server Name: in-v3.mailjet.com
› Port: 465 (If port 465 cannot be used, additional ports can be found at: //www.app.mailjet.com/account/setup)
› Connection security: SSL/TLS
› Authentication method: Normal password
› Username: Your API Key
Click ‘OK’ to save the new changes.
4. Select the new ‘Mailjet’ SMTP entry. You may wish to set this new entry as the default; this is optional. Click ‘OK’ to complete the setup.
5. Once you send your first email, a message will appear asking for your password. Enter your Secret Key and check the “Use Password Manager to remember this password” box. Click ‘OK’ and happy mailing!